Saturday, September 19, 2009

Level 16, Abilities

Level Update: 17
Item Update: Bandit Cloak of the Whale. 3 more armor than my last cloak, Surveyor's Mantle. I suppose the spirit isnt terrible either seeing how often I'm out of the 5SR, but spirit is by no means a great stat for a paladin. Of any spec.

Well, that was fast. Not much in the way of new experiences since the last time so I'll just be covering our new abilities. Luckily, there's quite a lot to talk about.

Retribution Aura - This is awesome. Pure, sweet, bitter sweet revenge. Every time an enemy attacks you in melee, they harm themselves. Thats -any- attack in melee, even if you're not targetting them. This is one of our AoE tools, and will be our default aura from now on due to the added damage on even single targets.

Righteous Fury - Pretty useless for levelling purposes. Its worth keeping up though since it stays up forever unless you die or it is -dispelled-. Dispelling is the keyword, in PvP, if the enemy wants to dispell your lovely Seal or your Blessings, they'll have to dispell this first. DO NOT USE THIS IN INSTANCES, unless you're tanking. While you might choose to use this as I do at level 80, in raids, on fights like Ignis where badly handled adds can one shot a clothie, you do not want to pull aggro off of tanks in PuGs. Just use your taunt if you want to tank an add from a clothie. Speaking of which..

Hand of Reckoning - This is -awesome-. A nice chunk of damage while soloing. You can only use it once per pull assuming you're soloing, because it'll only do damage to something that -isnt- targetting you. This ability takes 50% of your attack power and throws it like a rock of holy goodness at the enemy. Finally, something else to push! This is also your second taunt, more for single target use than our last one.


Other than abilities, items I've obtained in the last few levels include Peacekeeper's Buckler from Quest: WANTED: Deathclaw (Finally, a decent shield!), and Segmented Girdle from Quest: Culling the Flutterers.

Oh, and talents! I've decided to throw two points into Unyielding Faith after maxing out Seals of the Pure, first tier in the same (Holy) tree. Other options included some more intellect at 2% a talent point, or 4% additional effectiveness of my heals. I'll be maxing out Healing Light before continuing down the Holy tree. Additional intellect, while nice, isnt really necessary yet.

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