Sunday, September 20, 2009

Level 20+21 Greetinks vrom Stormvind!

Item Update: Caretaker's Cape from Illiyana Moonblaze, Silverwing Sentinel Quartermaster.
Level Update
: 22
Yaaay, Brewfest!

Woo, last few levels have been a blast. I've learned some awesome abilities, which I'll outline later in the post, I've had some laughs, I've had some laughs directed at me by fucking morons, and I've had some not-so-laughs.

But where to start? Aaaah yes. I finished all my quests in Bloodmyst like a good little Paladin and earned my Tabard of the Hand! Every Tom, Dick and Harry (and the female equivelants of those names) showed up to kiss my big dark blue ass for saving theirs. Velen too! Velen predicts that there's a big future for me in Outland. No, duh, right?

I'd also dinged level 20 not shortly before this event, and gained access to my level 20 (they give these things out too early) mount! Will make things much quicker and easier though I worry about others my level having the same perk. Will it have much effect on PvP if everyone has the option to just mount up quickly and ride away to safety?

Speaking of which, it is about that time. Contested territory opens up at level 20, and I'm considering which route to go. Any thoughts? Was thinking Ashenvale, Duskwood never sees any PvP action. Hillsbrad might be fun too but then again it'll probably have more level 80s than people my actual level.

Anyway, after dinging 20, I decided to look for yet another Deadmines group. My second attempt went -horribly-, though luckily I wasn't summoned this time before it all went awry. I'd pulled 3 other people together for a grand total of 4 people, but then I DCed, which ended up passing leadership to one of the others. When I'd reconnected I unfortunately found a level 55 in the party, filling our 5th spot. Rather than kick up a fuss and start QQing, I humbly said "Thanks anyway, but I'd rather not be boosted. Appriciate it though and I hope you lot have fun!" or something to that effect, which would be where I left to continue my adventures.

Or not. Y'see, 12 year olds (and I'm only assuming they were that old because its the recommended minimum age) tend to have something called "puberty" about to kick in, and its when all that testosterone or feramone begins to flow around the body, creating what I like to call "Potential nerd rage". Like flies to dung, these idiots had to just start harassing me. Despite my best efforts, believing they may have misunderstood, I did my best to just reiterate what I meant, spelling it out in plain, good old english, politely and to the point, to which I only recieved various variations of "fuk uuuuu fuk uuuu mihahahaha" and "fuk offffffffffffffffffffffffffff". Beacons of Hope and Wisdom in an otherwise bleak, dreary and depressing world.
Wasn't all bad though. Vigilant and ever-ready, Bubblebum proceeded to form her own goddamned group and do it right this time, engaging in civilized, intellectual conversation with the people she invited to make sure they wern't fucking spacktards. And they wern't. They were awesome. To their credit, they were epics, each one of them earning a place in my friendslist. Except the warlock which hearthed to Stormwind and logged off before we began, she can go die, but the rest of you..

(I also dinged level 21 here, woop!)

Anyway, after Deadmines, I'd decided to travel to Stormwind, for some much needed recuperation and a chance to get this blog sorted. And.. bloody hell, I've seen some odd stuff already in the hub of the server. How about this.. someone boxing 10 shamans at ONCE. AT ONCE. I was lucky enough to grab her attention, and she'd agreed to pose up for some screenshots, which you can see below.

Ten synchronized, lovely, bouncing Draenei females dancing in tandem. What more could one ask for?

And.. thats when I decided to alt tab and stop slacking and get to work on this post. Since there really were no other experiences past this point other than the process of actually alt tabbing, I'll begin briefing our new level 20 abilities, which are no less fun to write about!

Sense Undead - Exxxcept this one. This one is bland. And rubbish. Very situational use... even less if you've got herbalism or mining.

Consecration - This is more like it. Our first proper AoE, this lays down a field of Holy Ground in a radius surrounding the Paladin that harms all enemies that dare to stand in it! Excellent for tanking purposes too. It -is- mana intensive though, so use carefully.

- Can you say "Pewpew"? This thing -stinnngs-. Massive burst, moderate mana cost. Let down slightly by its cooldown but we can do a little something about that later on down in the Holy tree. For now, this puppy is much needed. Paired with Hand of Reckoning on a pull, you can do massive damage in a very short space of time, potentially before the enemy has even reached you.

Flash of Light - Your bread and butter heal. Low mana cost, fast cast time, and a moderate healing amount, this will serve you well up to 80, and beyond.

Thats it for abilities at level 20. Now let's check out some phat loots I've earned!

Cookie's Tenderizer from Cookie, in the Deadmines. (My first rare item!)
Simple Pearl Ring from the Auction House. It was cheap!
Signet Ring of the Hand from Quest: The Unwritten Prophecy
Goblin Mail Leggings BoE drop, from The Deadmines.
Corin's Handguards from Quest: Clearing the Way
Jessera's Fungus Lined Hauberk from Quest: Ysera's Tears
Wheel of Lost Hope from Quest: Ending the Bloodcurse (Awesome looking item, if only for the comical value)
Silk-threaded Trousers BoE drop, from The Deadmines.
And finally.. last but not least (should be first really, they look awesome..)
Flying Tiger Goggles from my very own Engineering!

That's it for now. Stay tuned for moar Bubblebum action!

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