Sunday, September 20, 2009

dude GTFO u talk like u just discovered the internet

Level Update: Level 20! Expect a post up before the end of the day.
Item Update: Silvermoon Armor of the Sun, drop from Fenissa the Assassin (again).
Aboriginal Boots of the Eagle, BoE world drop. Two nice new drops for my healing gear! Loving the Silvermoon armor. Its very rare you find suitable healadin loot with the right armor class at this level.

So, my first DM group couldn't have been better than a bunch of pigs swilling around in their own shit. I throw myself up on LFG, and state that I'm willing to perform any role, healing, tanking or DPS. I get invited as a tank, and of COURSE, when I'm summoned, only then do I realize they've already cleared up to Sneed. Bah.

Then I make my demands very very clear on the group. I say that if they would like me to tank, they're going to have to give me room to do so. It might not be "Naxx Pre-TBC" as one of the smart arses put it, but wiping is -still- a possibility, and I DO remember wiping in DM due to shitty pulls, specifically in the smelting room with all the goblins.

I do pretty well, even when the party completely refused to listen to my demands. I found myself taking a couple of seconds between each pull to reprimand our cheeky warlock who seemed to think he could tank.

A couple of pulls go on like this, then I suddenly find myself groupless. "A mistake?", I think to myself? No. I check my chatlog.. and..

"ok kicking bubble cuz shes 2 slow".

Wut? Too slow? It'd have gone fine if you'd have done your job as group leader to warn the warlock, and indeed the rest of the group, to just play sanely and reasonably. Funnily enough, the joke was on them, as their very respectable shaman healer left afterwards, in protest, and offered to attempt to 2 man the entire instance with me. I was fuming however, and felt the need to log off for a moment to QQ on my blog.

Anyway, I whisper the guy to just make my opinion very clear in a polite a manner as possible. Chatlog below.

A shame. I'd have liked to have been able to say something about how great the run was. Even starting at Sneed wasnt that big a deal for me, though it's just common courtesy to tell the person you're inviting where in the instance you'll be starting from, surely?

Anyway, Antopus (What kind of guy names his Priest "Antopus"?). I've no idea who you are, no idea who you think you are (actually I have an inkling), and no idea where you come from but seriously... lulz.

Its not all bad though. I did manage to win a nice sword from trash. Militant Shortsword of the Monkey. Not ideal stats but it hits quite a bit harder than my previous sword so meh.

Gonna be a pain in the arse getting back to Bloodmyst though. My hearth is still set in Azuremyst. D'oh!

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