Friday, September 18, 2009

Al'akir - First thoughts.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much. This is a PvP realm, one of the firsts. And, as everyone knows, some PvPers can tend to be a bunch of elitist, e-peen stroking pricks. That isnt what I experienced thus far on Al'akir. Everyone who I met has been nice, pleasant, and welcoming, but none moreso than my new best buddy, Bobella. (That isnt her actual name.)

Bobella is a level 80 huntard who I found hovering about on one of those bike things that engineers can make. Being my friendly self, I /waved at her and continued on my way, as I do with all people I witness in secluded places (Azuremyst Isle is barren). A couple of minutes later, she whispers me, and tells me she were AFK. For the next 5 minutes I try to convince her I really -dont- want a ride on her bike. Then for the next.. ooh.. 40 minutes or so, we spend a great amount of time talking about things like RP, PvP, PvE, Zalgradis (<3), and ganking.

She tried to force me to take gold, offered her hand in aid if I should ever find my poor little Draenei under the tooth and claw of a mean Undead Rogue, and was all very nice and pleasant to me.

Anyway, other than my new best friend, everyone else here is -awesome-. Everyone I've met/walked past who can buff, for example, has buffed me. I've had different strengths of Blessing of Might, Mark of the Wild, Arcane Intellect, and Power Word: Fortitude cast upon my slender frame, to which I can only say "Thanks" (Except you, Mr. "I'm too important to buff you" Mage. You know who you are.)

This is allll going to change when I hit Ganklethorn Vale, but for now, I'm enjoying the friendly laid back nature of the Alliance here.

EDIT: Oh, and as previously requested, almost-naked Bubblebum.


  1. what was that about not wanting to spec prostitu... I mean, Protribution?

    Your commenting system sucks, I might add :P I thought blogspot was more user friendly?

  2. Yush, not fond if it myself really. Oh well, I do appriciate comments and I take them to heart and credit each and everyone with some intellect.

    And as for the protribution, since when did exhibitionism count?!

  3. Yeeeeeah! Bubblebum!

    Also, on this new layout, the blue you use for linking rare items is hard to read. :<
